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The word on the street …
“Bryan blends his incomparable songwriting with an innocent awareness and innovation that is done naturally without trying to be ‘cool’ or ‘hip’. Bryan’s compositions are timeless wonders to be enjoyed by all for many years to come.” – Danielle Howle, International Recording Artist/Songwriter , THE STATE Newspaper
“Bryan’s vocals are second to none… His vocals really separate him from the rest of the crowd.” – Jay Matheson, Owner of JAM ROOM recording studios, CAROLINA REPORTER
“The sounds that Bryan can get out of a guitar and the way that he gets them is something to behold.” – Angelo Gianni of Treadmill Trackstar, FREE TIMES
“(Bryan Wade’s) WRONGWRONGWRONG combines spastic punk with elastic jazz phrasings and otherworldly curios to create an eclectic sound unique unto itself; combining everything from Sabbath to Sun Ra to surf to Syd Barrett.” – Free Times
“If Wade’s fractured pop is wrongwrongwrong, I don’t know that I want to be rightrightright.” – Free Times