- Set the metronome to a slow, comfortable pace.
- Play just one note on each beat.
- Then speed up just a tiny bit WITHOUT CHANGING THE METRONOME…. Feel that tense, rushing feeling.
- Slow back down to the beat… Feel that smoothness.
- Now slow down just a tiny bit… Feel that sluggish pull.
- Speed up just enough to get synchronized again… Feel that smoothness again.
Playing in time is a matter of constantly feeling for this anxious or dopey energy and then adjusting until you feel that sense of relaxing into the beat. It’s not a thinking thing. It’s a feel thing.
Article Name
How to Play To a Metronome? Do it Wrong!
Playing to a metronome is difficult if you try too hard. Instead of trying to always match it, try these tips that help you feel your way into making it easy.
Bryan Wade